Thursday, 26 June 2014


Hello everyone! Long time no-see I know! Sadly my craftiness has been temporarily curtailed due to the demands of university work and running a student society (among other things of course!) However I have been keeping my crafting going so be prepared for a few more posts! 

I spent this weekend just gone partaking in a two-day stained glass workshop at the York Stained Glass Centre. The workshop was run by Ann Sotheran, who is a incredibly talented and patient lady, check out her website here. This is partially work related (my proposed dissertation is on Scottish medieval stained glass fragments) and partially for my own enjoyment. On Saturday I learnt two types of glass-painting techniques, on very similar to the usual method of painting (literally painting out your design) and the second was to paint the glass completely with paint and then scratch out the design. On Sunday, I learnt how to cut glass and lead up my small pieces. I was amazed at not only how long each stage took, but also how physically tiring it was to cut the glass and lead! I have the up-most respect for anyone who works in this medium. 

It was, however, a thoroughly enjoyable weekend and I am most certainly glad I attended. So here are a few pictures of the process and my various attempts, as well as my final leaded pieces! I hope to hang them by the window in my room so that the sunlight can flood through them!

 First two small pieces I completed, one my own creation and the other, the one on the right, inspired by the Book of Kells. 
 A very messy work bench!
 More traditional technique, I will be scratching into this paint to create the rose below!
 We used a needle and the tips of paintbrushes to create the desired effect of my signature rose!
 I then removed the excess brown paint and cleaned the image up. 
 Added a little silver stain to this piece.

 A very cute little hare, the final piece of the day and one of my favourites!
 Here is my work desk for the Sunday! No light box behind my glass today.
 This is my border set out on my plan ready to be leaded.
 The beginning of the leading-up process. Always start in a corner and nail the glass into place to keep it tight and in place. 
 More leads fitted!
 TADA! Leaded and soldered and looking good!
 Just this enough time to lead this little guy up, although not enough time to complete my full design sadly!
 Leading him up and getting it sorted! A diamond shape is surprisingly hard actually!
Finished too! Had to add a little extra lead at the top as my glass cutting-skills were not quite up to scratch but still looking good. Had a fantastic time and would recommend anyone who is a bit crafty-minded to have a go at this! It is very rewarding. Feel free to comment and let me know your thoughts. 

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