Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Not as many as last time, but I made a few more cards the other day. The one that isn't packaged is actually bigger it's A5 rather than A6, hence it can't fit into the little envelopes. I made it for a relatives birthday. What do you think? I like them. I have also begun to add a few buttons, however I probably won't continue this as it makes the card too big to simply go as a 'letter' they have to go as a 'large letter'. Silly isn't it! It's just because they are more than 25mm thick. I'm sure you have come across this problem. It's pretty annoying to be honest but never mind. The Royal Mail have to make money somehow I guess. 

Saturday, 28 May 2011
Friday, 27 May 2011
The piece I completed for the Methodist Church in Poulton will be on display in Poulton Library from 5th June, it is incidentally, the first image you see when you visit this blog. The piece is then going to be donated to the Church once the exhibition is over (I think it last for about a month) so if your in Poulton Library keep an eye out for it! The photos below are of the presentation of the magazine cover to us in college (the cover is May- The Link Magazine). I'm sure there will be another photo opportunity when we donate the framed works (which me and Sam- at the back- are clutching).
Sunday, 22 May 2011
I had a fun Saturday night creating these cards (I am not being sarcastic, I really enjoyed it- far better than a night out and cheaper). I intend to sell them at the end of year exhibition at college on 20th June. If anyone would like to buy one before then, please email me. They will be £2 (plus £1 postage depending on where you live, if it's close by I'll just drop it off) and are size A6 (half of A5) and come with an envelope. I think my favourite is the one with the two cakes on, the part eaten cake is so cute! They all started off as just sewn images on fabric and then I worked the backgrounds around them (in order to get the right composition). The one's at the very bottom have yet to be turned into cards (don't worry, they will be completed soon, probably this afternoon seen as it is blowing a gale!). The cards are inspired by Claire Cole's work, as well as Linda Young and Claire Hillerby. Enjoy!

Sunday, 15 May 2011
My friend Sam Dugdale and I worked together to create the cover for the magazine of the local Methodist church. You may recognise the flowers and birds (these are mine) I also went down to take the photos and some completed the rest (I think she did far more than me, sewing and then working into the design on photoshop). It looks really good- I know it's a while since Easter, but I have just received my copy to keep, so have just scanned it in to pass on to you. I hope you like it, Sam and I certainly enjoyed creating it (and it's always nice to have your name on a magazine).

Thursday, 12 May 2011
I should really be revising for REP but making these on photo-shop is far more fun! I said yesterday that I would probably end up making a series of three and I have. I hope you like them, these are all three cards together (I've swapped some of the backs around), the next thing is to print them.
Business card 1:

Business card 2:

Business card 3:

Wednesday, 11 May 2011
The end of year exhibition is still well over a month away, but I have started to look at creating new business cards to be printed for it. It is on 20th June at Blackpool Sixth Form College (link to previous exhibitions here) but I have no idea what time. The work always looks amazing and very professional. I am hoping to try and sell some of my work, I will be making a few cards as well to sell and perhaps a bag or two once I have nailed it (the plain tote bags arrived from eBay yesterday). I will keep you posted, as always, on what I get up to! At the moment I am a bit stuck as to which back to use, I think the front looks good but I don't know which of the backs I prefer. Any ideas or preference's? I think I will be making at least one more card, just to add bit of variety, but knowing me it will probably end up as a series of three!
Back 1:
Back 2:
These are my old business cards (that were with my piece at the Lytham Exhibition) some of you may recognise them! I did add an email address to these as well, but these three are just the initial designs.All the cards went during the exhibition which was great! Thank you to everyone who took one.

Sunday, 8 May 2011
Just a little craft that I made with the Rainbows out of the Baker Ross catalogue. It's great they have loads of ready made crafts to make with kids. Fun fun like below!

I have finished my Art A Level!! That's two subjects down (finished English Lit) and one to go (RE), which I find terrifying. It's all starting to dawn on me that I'm going to university eek! Below are photos of my finish piece from the exam, the final exam day went really well; I finished with about 10 minutes to spare, which gave me time to give my piece's the once over and alter any little details. Overall, I'm really pleased with the final result and I have thoroughly enjoyed this project, I definitely like linking Literature with Art and using Literature to influence my artwork. The Secret Garden is a classic and I'm so glad I chose to look at it- the sewing, photos-hoots, burning lace was all such fun and was lovely and girly and classically feminine. I think I'm going to miss having art lessons, but it's not as if I'm going to give up art completely; I still make cards and I have booked to go on a felt-making course. I might not do art everyday but I'm certainly not going to give it up. 
Thursday, 5 May 2011
As my final exam is tomorrow, I have been working on my sketchbook and completing a few more development pieces to pad my sketchbook. I thought I may as well use all these bits and bats of lace up.
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
I have my last exam day on Friday of this week (ahh!) and my second exam day was last Thursday, but I have only just photographed the work I completed in those five hours. The first piece is pretty much completely finished (just need to sew through the button holes), the second piece needs a few buttons adding and, as you can see, the third piece in my series needs a little work yet! I have thoroughly enjoyed this project and I think I will be sorry when it ends. On a more positive note, I have used up all my mum's spare lace so it is a good job the project is coming to an end, otherwise I would have to buy some more and nice lace is not cheap. Apparently, the 'spare lace' that was in the drawer was actually from her wedding dress!!! OOPS! Mum was saving it for a rainy day. However, as Dad pointed out, there have been rainy days since their wedding day, so I may as well use it. Lace deteriorates with age anyway, so I probably got in there just before the moths arrived! I'm sure mum will be able to forgive me one day. It's not as if I cut up her wedding dress! Just the spare material from it.
Exam Day 2- Piece 1 (buttons added):
Piece 2:
Piece 3 (still needs some work):
Exam Day 2- Piece 1 (buttons added):
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