Saturday 11 December 2010


These development pieces came from the idea of making a fabric skull and cushion- yet to come. I love the circle idea, circles of life etc- circles are always symbolic; eternity, unity, the universe (although I don't think it is a circle, just represented as one), heaven and hell, the seasons, the moon and sun and so on and so forth. Generally circles, in my opinion, represent things that have no end or beginning, as they themselves neither begin nor end. Anyway, that is pretty philosophical for a Saturday night, I then began to look at working over the foam with layers and pins and thread. The embroidery hoop, not yet finished, is going to be double sided and hang from the ceiling, so that the viewer can walk around and look up at them, just as you would with a bird. I also think that the birds need to be returned to the sky where they belong, so my work has come full circle itself. The hoops will twissel and turn in the breeze, adding movement to my pieces and bringing the birds back to life.

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